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Cool idea with some decent gameplay but I really don't understand the control mapping as I feel it would make much more sense to use wasd and position the other buttons around it like 'r' because atm you have to stop moving to press p or u or r. Overall I think it's a good game and could be really fun with just a tiny bit of polish, good work though!

Thanks a lot for your comment. Yes I must admit those controls are not really efficient, I'll add a new version today with changed controls and a UI so that you can change the different keys. And once again thank you !

Ayyy really nice to see the update, it's a big improvement and i managed to play it the whole way through and enjoyed it. Two little things i noticed (which could be intentional but I thought I'd mention in case u wanna know), the player speed on level 4 is a lot higher than the other levels and on each level the player is able to just walk off camera. Neither of those points detracted from the gameplay though, just thought u might wanna know. Great work!

Hey ! Thanks for your rating :) , the increase in speed on level 4 is intentional so that you can avoid the snipers bullets but for the player that leaves the screen I'll have to change that. Thanks for the tips ;)